The Office of Student Records and Registration uses a 4-digit code to indicate the term and year for each semester and summer session.
Examples of Term and Year Identifiers are as follows:
The Fall Semester of the 2015-2016 school year is represented as 1158.
The Spring Semester of the 2015-2016 school year is represented as 1161.
The numbers representing the semesters and terms are as follows:
The first number is a place holder. It will always be a "0" for those terms in the years 1990-1999 and it will always be a "1" for those terms in the years 2000-present.
The middle two numbers are the same as the last two digits of a specific year.
(e.g., 10 = 2010, 11 = 2011)
The last number indicates the month the term begins.
1 = Spring (January); 5 = Summer (May); 8 = Fall (August).